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Hey look! It’s a package manager for ZSH! (And it can do a ton of other stuff too!)

Managing your ZSH configuration can be tedious, thankless toil. Solutions like Oh My Zsh address this problem admirably, but you still have to spend time messing around with configuration files! ZConfer abstracts away the task of configuration behind an easily usable command line interface, so you can get back to focusing on what actually matters.

Table of Contents


Installing Z, a plugin for quickly jumping to previously visited directories: pluginstall

Aliasing ‘ls’ to ‘ls -G’: aliases

Setting Up



First, install ZConfer by piping the installer to a new ZSH session:

curl | zsh

Then run the init step.

The Init Step

Run $HOME/bin/zconf init and respond to any prompts. Pretty simple, really.


Updating ZConfer

In its current state, this module just wraps a shell command that runs the updater script on this repository.

zconf update

The Plugin System

Through ZConfer’s plugin system, you can download new plugins, remove existing ones, and select which to load on startup. You can also view both locally installed and remotely available plugins.

Browsing and Listing Plugins

Adding and Removing Plugins

Enabling and Disabling Plugins:

The Theme System

Browsing and Listing Themes

Adding and Removing Themes

Themes are automatically added when they are set for the first time. You don’t ever need to add them manually.

Setting Themes

PATH Management

You can use ZConfer to create, update, and delete individual PATH segments. If you would prefer not to delete a segment entirely, you can also enable/disable it. ZConfer will handle the task of concatenating all the segments with the existing PATH variable in order to create a meaningful PATH string. Note that at the moment, ZConfer can only manage the PATH segments that it created.

Viewing PATH Segments

Creating, Updating, and Deleting PATH Segments

Enabling and Disabling PATH Segments

Alias Management

Viewing Aliases

Creating, Updating, and Deleting Aliases

Enabling and Disabling Aliases